So let us assume that you have purchased or rented a dedicated server and it is time to start putting it to use so that you can get a return on your investment. When you rent a dedicated server, one of the benefits you get is full control on it. the service provider will provide you with administrative control so that you can configure the system according to your requirements. Now that you have all the access and control you need, you are probably wondering what you should do next. Well, it is time to configure the system. This can vary a lot depending on the manufacturer and type of server we are talking about.
In this article, I will provide some insight into how to configure your dedicated server before you can put it to work.
Start the configuration process
If you have all the login credential you need to your server, you should go ahead and log into it. Once logged in, you should see a dedicated server tab that you should click on. If you don’t already have an account, you will need to create one and then log in. when you click on the dedicated server tab or link, you should see a form with configuration settings that you should start selecting to configure your server.
Select the number of CPU cores
On the form, you will see an option for choosing the number of central processing unit cores you wish to use. A CPU is the part of your server that is responsible for handling all computations that are performed on the computer. A core on the other hand is an extra processing unit that allows you to double the capability of your CPU. Each core is usually designed to handle one action at a time. That means that selecting multiple cores allows the server to handle multiple actions at a time. The number of CPU cores available to you will usually depend on your server
Next, you will need to select a storage solution. Here is where you choose how much storage you wish for your server to have. Technically, you will have three options here. The storage option available to you will be determined by the number of CPU cores you opt for. This will however depend on the provider too.
Add ram to your server
Next, you will have to add RAM to your server. How fast your website will perform will highly depend on the size of RAM you choose. Some of the factors that affect your RAM the most are OS, site traffic, and applications. The OS is usually loaded into the RAM the entire time the server is powered up. Thus it permanently takes up space in the RAM. Secondly traffic will highly influence how much RAM you need because every request that is sent to the server by a user on their browser will be processed in the RAM and that takes a bit of space too. Imagine if the site has millions of people accessing it at a time. Lastly all open applications are run from the RAM and they need space too. Australia is often a good destination for dedicated servers international.
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